[Looking back at 2016] WARP Offices


[table and graph of the WARP Offices from 2014 to 2016]
Year # of Countries # of Office # of Countries G/R # of Office G/R
2014 5 11
2015 59 107 1080.0% 872.7%
2016 104 194 76.3% 81.3%

Discovering the answer for truth, religious leaders united under interfaith peace dialogues

HWPL currently operates WARP Offices, which are offered as a practical solution to achieve peace and bring an end to war, terrorism and armed conflicts that have arisen from differences in religious ideologies and conflicts.

On the 18th of September 2014, religious leaders at the WARP Summit signed the Unity of Religion Agreement after Chairman Lee urged them to bring all religions together to become one in order to prevent any more religious conflicts. Starting in 2014, 11 WARP Offices were established in 5 countries.

In 2015, the number quickly grew and 107 WARP Offices were held in 59 countries. As of December 2016, 194 WARP Offices found in 104 countries were currently in session. This year, we have seen a 76.3% increase in the number of hosting countries and an 81.3% increase in the number of WARP Offices in session.

WARP Office participants gathered at the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the September 18th WARP Summit to discuss the standards of trustworthy scriptures. After having thorough investigations and discussions, 6 panelists representing each major section of faith (Anglicanism, Orthodox Church, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism) agreed upon ‘prophecy and fulfillment’ as one of the important standards that makes a scripture trustworthy.

Since the WARP Summit in 2016, WARP Office participants have been actively engaging in conversations and discussions which also focus on the search for concrete standards that make a scripture trustworthy.